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Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, I hereby conform the indictment in this case – originally raised by the Una-Sana Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Bihać, BH (reference: T 01 0 KTRZ 0003567 98 of 22/09/2015) and confirmed before the BH court – to the laws of the Republic of Serbia. Further, pursuant to my authority under articles: 43 (2.5); 331 (1, 2); and 332 of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this INDICTMENT Against: AA, born on ... in ..., Bosnia-Herzegovina; son of AB and AV; current residence: ...; holder of ID card no. ..., issued by ... Police Station; citizen identity no. .... Background and allegations: