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Indictment date
On the basis of Article 333.1 in connection with Article 331.1 and Article 43.2 (5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPC) and Article 4 of the Law on the Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I am hereby raising an I N D I C T M E N T Against the following: АА
Indictment date
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 47 (1) of the Law on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, we are regulating, according to the laws of the Republic of Serbia, the confirmed indictments of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Namely, these involve the indictment T20
Indictment date
Pursuant to Article 331 (1, 2) in connection with Article 43 (2.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code, all in connection with the provisions of Article 3 and Article 4 of the Law on Organization and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crime, I raise an INDICTMENT Against the following: AA
Indictment date
With reference to Article 47 (1) of the Law on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, we are confirming the indictment of the Office of the War Crime Prosecutor’s Office/Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, number T20 0 KTRZ 0012097 16 dated 12 September 2017, confirmed on 27 September
Indictment date
In line with article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters; articles 331 (1), (2) and 332 re article 43 (3.5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organisation and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings
Indictment date
In line with article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Indfictment (ref. T16 0 KTRZ 0006574 16) of 26 February 2019, raised by the District Public Prosecutor in Trebinje and confirmed by the competent BH court, has hereby been conformed to the laws of the
Indictment date
With reference to article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and pursuant to my authority under articles 43 (2.5), 331 (1) and 332 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; and articles 3 and 4 (1) of the Act on the Organisation and Competence of Government Authorities
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under articles 333(2) re 331 (1) and 43 (2.5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure; and article 4 of the Act on the Organisation and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: AA
Indictment date
In compliace with articles 41 and 47(1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, the indictment (T20 0 KTRZ 0008586 14) of 18 September 2014, raised by the BH Prosecutor and confirmed by the competent BH court on 02 October 2014, is hereby conformed to the laws of the
Indictment date
In compliance with article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, the indictment (ref. T20 0 KTRZ 0009728/14) of 04 December 2014, raised by the BH Prosecutor and confirmed by the competent BH court, is hereby conformed to the laws of the Republic of Serbia and now