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Case name


Case number


Number of victims


Persons indicted

2 accused persons

Rank(s) of person(s) indicted

Commander of the 6th Sana Brigade - part of the Republic of Srpska's Army, and commander of the Territorial Defence force for the municipal area of Sanski Most

Indictment date

Case stage

indictment raised

Duration of proceedings since trial commencement

In progress

Witnesses examined

Date and outcome of the first instance verdict

Pursuant to article 416 (1.3) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the War Crimes Department - part of the Higher Court in Belgrade dismissed the charges against N.A.

Date and outcome of decision on appeal

Date and outcome of verdict in new trial

Criminal offence

war crime against civilian population under article 142 (1) re article 22 of the FRY Criminal Act

Background facts

Procedural remarks

In line with article 47 (1) of the Act on Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor conformed the BH Prosecutor's Indictment (ref. Т20 0 КТRZ 00033786 05) of 01/08/2014 to the laws of the Republic of Serbia.