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Case name

Banski Kovačevac

Case number

KTRZ -13/07

Number of victims


Persons indicted


Rank(s) of person(s) indicted

Defendants' ranks:
AA - middle military
AB - lower military

Indictment date

Case stage

finally resolved

Duration of proceedings since trial commencement

2 years 9 months

Witnesses examined


Date and outcome of the first instance verdict

First instance judgment / years in prison:
AA: 15
AB. 12

Date and outcome of decision on appeal

Decision on appeal / years in prison:
AA: 20
AB: 13

Date and outcome of verdict in new trial


Criminal offence

war crime against civilian population under art. 142 (1) re art. 22 (co-perpetration) of the FRY Criminal Act

Background facts

According to the court's findings, in the period between 19 and 23 March 1992, the defendants killed six Croat civilians from Banski Kovačevac, Croatia and dumped their bodies into a well.
Both defendants were members of the Srpska Krajina Army. AA was assistant commander in charge of security matters, and AB was an ordinary soldier.

Procedural remarks

The Croatian State Prosecutor referred evidence in this case to the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor.
