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Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 331 (1) and (2), in re article 43 (2.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this INDICTMENT against AA,
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under articles: 331 (1, 2) and 332 in re article 43 (2.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: 1. AA Presonal details: Son
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under articles 43 (2.5), 331 (1) and 333 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and under articles 3 and 4 (1) of the Act on Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: 1. AA a.k.a. ..., son of ... and
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 47 (1) of the Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, I hereby conform the indictment in this case – originally raised by the Districtl Prosecutor’s Office in Brčko, BH (reference: T18 0 KTRZ 000 3079 / 05, dated 24 April 2013) and confirmed
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article: 43 (2.5) in re article 331 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 (1) of the Act on the Organization and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: 1. AA (collaborator) 2. AB 3
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under articles 43 (2.5), 331 (1), and 333 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 (1) of the Act on the Organization and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: 1. AA 2. BB
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under articles: 43 (2.5); 331 (1) and 332 of the Criminal Procedure Code; I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against: 1. AA Background and allegations:
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 331 (1,2) in re article 43 (1.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organization and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against AA Background and general
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 331 (1,2) in re article 43 (1.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organization and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against AA Background and general
Indictment date
Pursuant to my authority under article 331 (1, 2) in re article 43 (2.5) of the Criminal Procedure Code; and under articles 3 and 4 of the Act on the Organization and Competence of Government Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, I raise this I N D I C T M E N T Against AA Background facts and