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On 10 June 2021, during his visit to the Office of the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor, H.E. Joost Reintjes, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Serbia, voiced his support to the work of this Office related to the prosecution of war crimes cases. Among the topics discussed by the
The OWCP of the Republic of Serbia filed an indictment against B.T., due to the existence of justified suspicion that he had committed the criminal offense of war crimes against prisoners of war under Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the FRY. The indictment covers the events of 14 September until
War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković and her deputies Mioljub Vitorović and Vasilije Seratlić visited the site of the Kiževak mine, where exhumations were carried out of death remains of those perished during the Kosovo-Metohija war clashes. Pursuant to the War Crimes Prosecutor's order
Abducted Truth, the Belgrade-based Family Association of Missing Persons from Kosovo-Metohija headed by Ms Verica Tomanović, held the round table conference entitled The Exhumations and Identification of Missing Persons. Oganised in cooperation with the Serbian Government's Commission on Missing
Upon an indictment issued by Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor, the War Crimes Department - part of the Higher Court in Belgrade rendered its judgment in the case against Dalibor Krstović for a crime committed in August 1992, amidst a noninternational armed conflict that was under way in Bosnia
Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković met Ms Matea Norčić Štamcar, Deputy Head of the EU Mission to Serbia earlier today. At a meeting held at the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP) on 13 May 2021, OWCP and Mission representatives exchanged their views on topics of mutual
Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković met President of the Commission on Missing Persons Veljko Odalović and State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice Bojana Šćepanović. At the meeting held at the seat of the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP) on 11 May 2021, OWCP officials
Pursuant to judgment K Po2 4/18 rendered by the War Crimes Department - part of the Higher Court in Belgrade on 15 October 2020, defendant Nebojša Stojanović was declared guilty of the criminal offence under article 144 (war crime against prisoners of war) of the FRY Criminal Act and sentenced to 8
Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković held a video conferencing call with IRMCT Prosecutor Serge Brammertz, in the context of the latter's preparation of his regular six monthly report before the UN Security Council. The two Prosecutors discussed the track record of the Serbian Office of
H.E. Thomas Schieb, the German Ambassador to Serbia, visited the Office of the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP) earlier today. Ambassador Schieb welcomed the OWCP efforts in the processing of war crimes cases. War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković and her guest discussed a range of legal